My best friend, George the gorilla, was snatched from the Jungle when he was but a baby. I've promised to take him back and make him happy once again.

To do this I will be taking him on a tough 6 day trek, deep into the Thailand Jungle. I'll be covering 10-12 km a day over rugged forests, rivers and rugged terrain.

Let me tell you, i've never been in a Jungle in my life, I HATE heat and god knows what horrible creepies there are going to be in my sleeping bag! It's not going to be a picnic!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Hi and thanks for reading

Thanks for visiting. This is going to be the main place I share my insights, happenings and progress with the Thailand Jungle Expedition challenge that I am taking on. Please visit the page to find out about the challenge and what it is about.

For those that don't know, I have been diabetic since 1993 and over the years my love/hate relationship with the condition has been quite a struggle at times. "A struggle" you say?? "Surely injecting yourself several times a day isn't that tough! Man up you wimp!"

Well unfortunately, the daily management of the condition is but one of the easier factors to the condition. The biggest difficulty of course is living with the fact that poor management of the condition leads to many complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease and blindess to name but a few. The list goes on.

Now I don't want to depress everybody and say it is all doom and gloom. Merely point out how serious the condition is. I believe in looking positively on all things, which is why I'm raising money for the Diabetes UK and bring us all closer to better and easier ways to manage the condition, so that there is more hope for a healthier and longer life.

I'm very much excited about raising lots of cash for Diabetes UK and taking George back to the Jungle. So please please make a donation if you can, and if not, please just forward this blog onto everyone you know.

One small action from you to spread the word can really make a difference!

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